The Soulmate Magnet
Unleash the Goddess to attract your desired Soulmate!
Leading successful women to awaken their feminine energy, step into their power to manifest their desired Soulmate relationship.
Are you ready to become more irresistible, radiant, and beautiful than ever? Feeling loved, cherished, and adored by your dream Soulmate? It’s time to becoming the one, to fall in love with yourself, and embody your feminine power, to become a high vibrational match to the frequency of love.
This is a deep energetic transformation for women whose heart deeply desire to be in a healthy, happy, loving, passionate and romantic Soulmate relationship and need support and guidance to manifest it.
Would you like to:
Become a High Value Queen so that your Soulmate will be mesmerised by you and totally committed?
Learn to be confident in your own skin and have an unshakable connection between your mind body and soul.
Embody your feminine energy to be more radiant, open, able to flow and to receive so that you can magnetise a masculine devotional love.
Learn how to be a sexy, juicy, and a sensual Goddess through the art of Belly Dancing.
Gain more clarity about what you want in a Soulmate and the type of relationship you wish to manifest.
This is for you if:
You are a single woman, and you keep attracting the wrong guys who don’t want to commit or emotionally unavailable men and you are wondering where is the right one
You may be the one who constantly over gives and over do in order to get the relationship going
You watch your friends getting married and starting families and wondering when it’s going to be your turn
You feel uncomfortable to fully express yourself and show your vulnerabilities to a man because it doesn’t feel safe or you may fear rejection
You may be the one leading the relationship in order to have your needs met
You love personal development, and you are willing to do what it takes to attract the one
You have a deep desire to become the better version of yourself, increase your self-esteem, worthiness, and self-love
You know there are limiting beliefs and past experiences holding you back and you are ready to evolve out of them
You are aware deep down that you deserve a healthy, loving, and passionate relationship but you don’t know how to manifest it
You know your Soul is calling you to finally own your power and to have the audacity to be a High Value Queen, to be unapologetic you
It’s time to embrace your Feminine Goddess
Harness your feminine power to upgrade your love life.
This program is ideal if you want to empower yourself into a highly valuable woman, to feel whole and complete all on your own, to transform your self-doubts into a magnificent confidence, self-love, and worthy version of yourself.
To understand more yourself, men commitment mindset, dating and relationships. To magnetise your Divine desired Soulmate and receive abundance of love, respect, connection, intimacy, and passion that your heart yearns for by being in your beautiful Feminine Energy.
From ignored to adored.
After all, you are a freaking Beautiful Goddess.
Are you ready to unlock the most incredible key to lasting love?
Become an empowered and a magnetic High Value Queen who attracts an extraordinary Relationship!
You will fall in love with yourself, embody your irresistible Feminine Energy and attract your Dream Soulmate.
Past resentments towards men, trauma, toxic relationships, family patterns, destructive behaviours, limiting beliefs, fears and any blocks that are holding you back will be healed. You will be transformed into the most exquisite and divine version of yourself, ready to embrace your new divine story.
Heal and release any body shame into feeling sensual, sexy, magic, divine and juicy Goddess.
Step into the high Valuable Queen where men will intensely be attracted to you and mesmerised by you everywhere you go.
Gain more clarity about what you want to attract in your Divine Soulmate and in a relationship and learn to not settle for anything less. You simply won’t allow any behaviours that are not in alignment with your desires.
​The Method
Holistic combination of transformative healing, intuitive guidance, coaching, mindset strategy, aligned actions and Belly Dancing.
This program is a deep energetic journey of transformation.
Results are achieved by releasing limited subconscious patterns, beliefs, and behaviours until you are free to manifest your dream relationship with your compatible Soulmate. You will evolve into the higher version of yourself by strengthen your inner being, your confidence, your vibe, your energetic alignment to receive limitless love, passion, and adoration. You will effortlessly embody your feminine energy around a man while feeling the freaking awesome Goddess and the Beautiful woman that you are.
You will learn how to communicate with a man by staying in your juicy feminine energy and how to make sure your needs and boundaries are respected and met in a relationship.
Through a holistic combination of transformative healing, intuitive guidance, channelled messages, mindset techniques and strategies and Belly dancing you will be guided to awaken your feminine energy and the power within. We will rewire your brain, heal, and release your deepest wounds and we will ignite and increase your love and power so that you can start honouring and love yourself first.
You will awaken the Goddess within who inspire love, devotion and commitment from a Masculine man.
Belly dance helps us release blockages in our bodies where we’ve been conditioned to hold onto emotional baggage. It helps balance our chakras and it heals on all levels (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually). It is an expression of love, it is a celebration of beauty, femininity, and the stages of womanhood. It is a powerful way to activate personal transformation bypassing the mind through the flow movement for a truly somatic healing experience.
This program is not about playing games or using shallow strategies with men, it is all about you! Your self-esteem will soar, and you will naturally be a magnet to your Soulmate.
This program is NOT for you if:
You are looking for a quick fix
You are unwilling to take responsibility of your life or to do the inner work
You are unwilling to make a commitment for the long-term transformation
You are not ready to let go all your mind chatters of why you are still single.
The 4 Pillars of this program:
Elevate – we start identifying and healing any limiting beliefs, destructive behaviours and childhood patterns which is holding you back so that you can elevate into the highest version of yourself and feel confident, worthy and the high valuable Queen that you are.
Unleash – we release and forgive any resentments, anger, hurts and distrust towards men, heal past and toxic relationships, energetic divorce from previous lovers so that will finally start claiming your power back. This is a crucial part, as your identity about love and relationships will totally be transformed. This will allow you to be more receptive, open and in alignment to attract your dream relationship.
Radiant – We awaken your divine feminine energy,you will feel sexy, juicy, magnetic, sensual, soft but fierce when necessary, loving, and supportive towards yourself. You are ready to shine, embody the beautiful and Magnetic Goddess within and open to receive a devotional masculine love from your Divine and Sacred Soulmate.
Create – we gain clarity of what you have to offer in a romantic relationship, the qualities you wish to attract in your Soulmate and your dream relationship. We start implementing strategic actions which will allow you to come fast into alignment with your desires. This may include making new lifestyle choices, relationship changes, implement body exercise, so that you can finally receive limitless love, devotion and adoration from your Divine Soulmate.
The Soulmate program include:
45mins Kick off call
9x1h Fortnightly Calls thereafter
3x1h Belly Dancing
Unlimited voice messages for three months via WhatsApp and Voxer
All calls are recorded so you can get benefits of the energetic work lifetime
Bonus Gifts:
1 rose quartz bracelet infused with love
1 personalised meditation of your dream Relationship with your Desired Soulmate
If you are ready to take full responsibility, then I am ready to help you to transform and evolve so that you can confidently manifest your Dream
If you are ready to transform, please book a free GODDESS Strategy Call.